The Running Imp Charity of the Year 2018!

Charity of the year 2018

It is a pleasure to announce that MattDotCom will be Running Imp’s Charity of the Year 2018!

Every year we choose a Charity of the Year to fundraise for, last year we raised £19,000 for the Meningitis Research Foundation!

Born in Lincolnshire but now expanding nationwide, our new Charity of the Year MattDotCom, aims to provide teenagers suffering from long-term or life-threatening illnesses with access to computer technology.

The charity was set up following Sharon & David’s son Matthew being diagnosed with cancer. Matthew realised that if hospitalised teenagers could have access to computer technology, they could maintain contact with their school and therefore continue their education. This would allow the teenagers to carry on learning new skills whilst helping them cope with their illness.

Originally, teenagers were lent the laptops for as long as they needed them, but as the charity grew it was decided that laptops were to be given to the teenagers. In 2016, the 100th teenager was provided with computer technology to continue their education.

Sadly, Matthew passed away in 2004 however his parents have ensured the charity has continued and grown in his name.

Here at Running Imp, we are extremely proud to have MattDotCom as our Charity of the Year 2018, and we simply cannot wait to get fundraising in the hope that we can make a significant difference to this worthy cause.

For more information on MattDotCom, visit:

There’s more exciting Bespoke Medals news to be found right here:

Written by: pm

Published on: 9 January 2018

Categories: Uncategorised