2015 Kent RoadRunner Marathon

2015 Kent Roadrunner Marathon medal by Bespoke Medals

The 2015 Kent RoadRunner Marathon takes place on Saturday 30th May at the multi-million pound Cyclopark venue in northwest Kent.

The award-winning event is recognised as one of the top ten marathons in the UK. We’d like to think we played a big part due to the fantastic Bespoke Medals we produced.

After competitors have completed seventeen laps of the 2.49km course, they’ll be presented with this beast of a medal.

Weighing in at nearly half a kilogram, this medal measures over 150mm. This makes them the largest marathon medals in the UK (at the time of writing).

Race director of tzruns said: “I wanted to express how impressed I am with the quality of the medals.

“Obviously they’re big and colourful, which is a given… but there is no point in getting all that attention of a massive medal if the production quality isn’t good.

“In fact, that would be counter-productive.

“I’m delighted that the finer details are so well cast with almost no bleed between the colours at all – such incredibly precise stamping and enamelling.

“Thank you so much for helping us make our event such a success.”

We hope everybody enjoys the event and we’re already looking forward to working with tzruns again to design and produce next year’s medals!

Written by: MollyIllsley

Published on: 27 May 2015

Categories: News