White Star Running – The Ox 2015

White Star Running The Ox 2015 from Bespoke Medals

White Star Running - The Ox 2015












Courtesy of White Star Running, The Ox is back in the beautiful rolling hills of Wiltshire and the Rushmore Estate.

As if daytime trail running wasn’t challenging enough, they’ve now decided to create an off-road race in the dark.

Competitors begin the new 10k(ish) Dark Ox race at 8:30pm on Saturday 23rd May.

This then acts as a warm-up for the Ox Half, Ox Marathon, or the Ox Ultra the following day.

Each of the finishers in this great series of runs will receive one of our fantastic Bespoke Medals.

Our favourite is the Bespoke Medal for The Dark Ox. This medal is sprayed black with luminous purple enamelling along with a metal chain instead of a traditional ribbon.

Nevertheless, we also love the set of 3 silver medals for the other Ox events!



Our sister site, Running Imp, can help you create your own event series. Running Imp stocks everything you could possibly need for an event, including medals, trophies, and colour powder. Advice is also freely available, and is there to help to make your event as good as it can be.

This fantastic series of medals is something you can create too, with our Bespoke Medals service. The finishes can be all the same, or they can range from Europa (traditional metal) to Black Nickel! Have some fabulous effects cover the medals also, with sliding parts, and glitter across all medals. So for your series of events, make sure to explore Bespoke Medals!



There’s plenty more news from White Star Running and the other events we work alongside: https://bespokemedals.com/news/

Written by: MollyIllsley

Published on: 19 May 2015

Categories: News