Our Special Olympics GB Bespoke Medals Receive ‘Fantastic’ Feedback

Bespoke Medals receive fantastic feedback for GB medals

Becoming taking on the role of official medal supplier for the Special Olympics GB  in July, our Bespoke Medals have now received some amazing feedback.

Our Special Olympics GB Bespoke Medals Receive ‘Fantastic’ Feedback

Supplying medals and place awards for Special Olympics GB’s National Summer Games in August, our mementos went down fantastically well.

A Fantastic Response

Speaking after a busy few months, Special Olympics Lincolnshire chair, Angela Morley had nothing but praise for our efforts.

She said: “So many people at the games commented on the fantastic medals. I suppose it won’t be long before I am contacting you for medals.”

How Did Our Home County Get On?

While we wished every National Summer Games competitor the best of luck, we naturally kept a close eye on how our home county performed.

It turned out to be a hugely successful competition for the organisation.

Morley continued: “I know all our athletes had a great time and managed to win 10 gold, 14 silver and 3 bronze medals.”

Working in direct partnership with Special Olympics GB, Special Olympics Lincolnshire similarly provide year-round training and competition for those with intellectual disabilities.

Who Are Special Olympics GB?

Established in 1978, Special Olympics GB ensure that people with intellectual disabilities have plenty of access to sports training and competition throughout the year.

The organisation’s National Summer Games in Sheffield is the UK’s biggest multi-sport event for this group in 2017.

Taking place between August 7th and August 12th, around 2,600 athletes took part with 800 coaches, 1000 volunteers and 200 officials supporting the event.

Happy Finishers

After the event, many competitors were quick to upload both their medals and place awards to social media.

Written by: pm

Published on: 7 September 2017

Categories: News