Two New Promotions at Running Imp

Two promotions in Bespoke Medals

We are delighted to welcome two new promotions within the team both of which we know will support the continuous growth of the company.

We value each and every one of our employees and when opportunities for career progression arise, it is always a pleasure to welcome existing staff members into the new roles.

The two promotions are as follows:

Daniel Sharratt – Assistant Sales Manager

Daniel works incredibly hard for our sales team here, and is a fantastic asset to the team. We’re thrilled to offer him the role of Assistant Sales Manager.

Daniel Farmer – Assistant Bespoke Medals & Purchasing Manager

Dan is one of the most diligent and hard-working employees we have, and does his best to help out where he can. This is why we’re proud to offer him the role of Assistant Bespoke Medals and Purchasing Manager.

A huge congratulations to these two members of staff – we wish you both all the best with your new duties and responsibilities.

Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more Bespoke Medals news here:

If you’d like to know more about the Running Imp Team and what we do, be sure to check out the Running Imp website here:

Written by: pm

Published on: 9 January 2018

Categories: News