Training for a Marathon | 5 Top Tips

Marathon Training Tips

Whether it was a spontaneous decision or a planned one, signing up for a marathon is a big move and one which takes plenty of preparation – months in advance. The idea of training can be a little overwhelming at times so we’ve put together five top tips to help keep you and your training plan on the right track.

  1. Set up a plan that is right for YOU.

It can be easy to fall into the trap of setting high goals to achieve in an unrealistic amount of time. Before you set out a plan, assess your own fitness levels and work out how you want to improve.  Every individual is different and it is important to follow a marathon training plan that is tailored to your own specific capabilities. When you are preparing your training schedule, be sure to leave time to rest and socialise – everyone needs time to switch off.

  1. Don’t be scared to tell people about it!

Share your progression and achievements with other people; social media platforms are great to do this on. The more support you receive, the more motivated you are going to be – and all those supportive comments are going to beneficial to remember when you are running the real marathon!

  1. Try not to compare!

If other people seem to be further ahead with their training don’t panic. Everyone’s marathon training strategies will be different but that doesn’t mean they are better. Commit to your own schedule and avoid comparing with other people.

  1. Don’t just run.

Although running is important while training, try to incorporate other forms of exercise into your plan to ensure you aren’t doing the same thing repeatedly – this can get boring. Swimming, weight training and cycling are all ideal options for cross-training workouts.

  1. Reward yourself!

Hey- you’re training for a marathon! That definitely deserves a treat! Whether it’s an extra rest day, a new running top or a meal out, be sure to reward yourself for all the hard work.

This year our Bespoke Medals division has been announced as the Official Medal Supplier to the 2018 Virgin Money London Marathon.  We are already the Official Contractors for the Timing Clocks for the event, and now we simply cannot wait to produce the medals that will reward the incredible achievements of thousands.

Written by: pm

Published on: 15 January 2018

Categories: Bespoke Medals, Medals, News